1. Become A Member
    As a member you'll receive one free t-shirt, monthly newsletters, membership card, and access to all of the services provided by POWER.
  2. Become A Movement Builder
    has formed a partnership with Union de Vecinos on the eastside of LA called w.e.LA. The partnership is about building a movement that puts political power back into the hands of communities.
  3. Preserve Local Communities Fund
    A donation to this fund will provide tennat right clinics, eviction defence support, and community organizing to improve housing conditions and preserve housing stock for extremely low income families in Culver City, Venice and the City of LA.
  4. Reclaiming Neighborhood Fund
    A donation to this fund will help us organize 5 local neighborhoods to transform alleys, streets, and other public spaces into community serving places for community members to gather, impacting 500 residents. 

    Your Name (required)

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    Interests (housing, tenant rights, etc)

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